DOM scripting vs jQuery

Srikanth Jonnakuti
1 min readJul 6, 2015


While one is language, the other is framework.

In the current age where contemporary browsers are more dynamic it takes a lot of javascript code to accomplish such tasks. If you’re an unfortunate web developer it is quite difficult to write code for browser compatability. jQuery solves the issue of cross browser compatability.

There’re many heated debates over to adhere to javascript or practice jQuery. The answer is unresolved. It is actually true that the jQuery file takes 82 kb of head data to download if the jQuery is hosted locally. DOM scripting (javascript) is added to a page in such a way that if there’s no javascript, the page will still work.

In terms of speed and performance, jQuery is quite fast for the modern browsers working on modern computers so is the javascript. Both work slow on older browsers and machines. But pure javascript can cut the overhead that the jQuery takes to load.



Srikanth Jonnakuti

Wine enthusiast, Photographer, Formula one driver, Blah! Not true. Engineer. *Cries at corner*