Induced anxiety (with a side of popcorn)


Each thought is like a living space, some have dens within, some have open forests with wild Macaw’s. I once dreamt about velvet room but the ideas infiltrated through the curtains were frightening and there isn’t enough music or moonlight to make sense of it.

I believed that both my legs are in multiple time dimensions at relatively same time, one timeline is never ending waves while the other is garden of spades. The green tile flooring didn’t help.

Marble flooring is the theme that my ancestors would have never guessed. Sometimes I think the future descendants will view tile flooring to be similar to toxic waste. But, I like mine with popcorn.

Wooden flooring, Petaluma.



Srikanth Jonnakuti

Wine enthusiast, Photographer, Formula one driver, Blah! Not true. Engineer. *Cries at corner*