

Solitude, a lonely place
A refuge from the human race
A chance to clear the mind
Leave the world behind

A space to think and breathe
To find a sense of peace
To heal the wounds of the day
And find a brighter way

In solitude we find our own voice,
A chance to listen, to make a wise choice.
A time to reflect, to heal, to grow,
To find our path, to let our spirits flow.

But solitude is more than just a state
It’s a choice we make to elevate
Ourselves above the noise and strife
And find the joy in a simple life

So let us embrace the quiet space
And find solace in a lonely place
For in the stillness of our own minds
We can find the strength to face the grind



Srikanth Jonnakuti

Wine enthusiast, Photographer, Formula one driver, Blah! Not true. Engineer. *Cries at corner*