// Wine fields Forever //

Srikanth Jonnakuti
3 min readMar 21, 2021


// Winter Breeze //

Biking in early morning cold winds,
pain froze between fingers,
It is as difficult as a child’s
first steps across a room.

Weightless snow hinged to the mask,
reminds the smell of wraith, of flu
that carry secrets of pain.
Distance is hidden behind screens of fog,
there’s no telling what I’m going to
find on the other side.

// Hot air balloon //

The balloon, though friends with wind
takes the opposite side —
when visitors talk about winds role during Glass fire.
It admits to remember the views before Glass fire,
and tells a story of six red ants stuck beneath
fallen grape vines in middle of fire trying to save
one another. Wind sees the ants on the ground
whispers —
“you better run fast”.
The ants replied back —
“we only need to run faster
than you”

John F. Kennedy Memorial park, Napa Valley — 2020

// Vine tree //

The Glass fire locked the grape vines dream to ripe, out of paradise.
Seeds waited for a new entry, nutrient abundant soil buried them under it.
Weeks pass, and they try to scratch the surface, begging to see the sun -
Let me out
Months go by, vine trees carefully tailored temselves around the fence
shriveled leaves reflected the stories of glass fire,
grown branches shook the gates of fire’s confidence
howling, twisting and breaking through the pain
crowned itself —
reborn of ash

Winery burned by Glass Fire — Napa Valley, 2020

// Vineyard //

Our perfect confidence refused to settle under the sun as we biked through the wine fields that shrugged off their responsibility to look like a seasonal vineyard, making us question “Is this really fall season?”. The entire landscape scene looked as if Basu Chatterjee directed it.

Robert Sinskey Vineyards, Napa — 2020

The vines and seedling mustards
lean back
over the fields
to become
one another’s
passing their
playlist of
favourite songs
while quietly flowing
with the wind
broadening their melody
into dimensions of

And everytime I think I’m way too tired while riding up the hill, energy flew through the body like electricity starting up what gave up at first place. I spent so much time wondering, ‘What gives this body — that I thought tired, the energy to start again?’. The answer lies within the heart that we haven’t channeled. There are stars glittering inside within us that have never been handled. This, the dark matter of ourselves hid an immeasurable amount of energy.



Srikanth Jonnakuti

Wine enthusiast, Photographer, Formula one driver, Blah! Not true. Engineer. *Cries at corner*